Monday, March 22, 2010

Thing of the Day: Handicapped Restrooms

Up until seeing the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry David is berated by a man in a wheelchair by using a handicapped restroom, I hadn't considered that the etiquette on handicapped restrooms is the same as that in say, handicapped parking spots--they are actually reserved only for the use of handicapped people.

I don't know if its because my immigrant parents didn't teach me better (because c'mon, there's no way Communist Russia attended to the public bathroom needs of handicapped people), but when it's available, I always use the handicapped restroom. It's bigger, and usually all the way at the end of the row of stalls and thus tends to have less urine on the seat. Speaking of urine on public restroom seats, I wish germaphobes everywhere would realize that there wouldn't be urine on (female) restroom seats, ever, if they could just stop squatting. It's simply unneccessary and creates a vicious cycle of pee. Sitting directly on the toilet seat is about as unsanitary as sitting on any public seat anywhere ever in a skirt. It is only the back of your thighs that touch toilet, not your genitalia or any somewhat private part. Last time I checked, one can contract no diseases via thigh to thigh contact.

But what do I know? I have full use of all my limbs and have never suffered from seizures or any other handicapping ailment and proudly and exclusively use those massive, sometimes equipped with own sink (!) last stalls.

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